Belview, MN Current Weather and Forecast


Belview, MN Weather Forecast

3:45 PM CST TUE JAN 25 2005

TONIGHT - Becoming cloudy early this evening. A slight chance of light snow that could initially be mixed with some freezing drizzle. Breezy. Lows around 15. North winds 15 to 25 mph with higher gusts. Chance of precipitation 20 percent.

WEDNESDAY - Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. Colder. Highs 15 to 20. North winds 10 to 20 mph with higher gusts.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT - Partly cloudy in the evening then clearing. Lows around 5 above. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph early in the evening shifting to the southeast in the late evening and overnight.

THURSDAY - Partly cloudy. Highs around 25. South winds 10 to 15 mph.

THURSDAY NIGHT - Partly cloudy in the evening then becoming mostly cloudy. Lows 15 to 20. South winds 10 to 15 mph.

FRIDAY - Mostly cloudy. Highs around 30.

FRIDAY NIGHT - Mostly cloudy. A chance of freezing rain or snow in the evening then a slight chance of snow after midnight. Lows around 20. Chance of precipitation 30 percent.

SATURDAY - Mostly cloudy. Highs around 35.

SATURDAY NIGHT - Cloudy. Lows around 20.

SUNDAY - Cloudy with a 30 percent chance of snow. Highs around 30.

SUNDAY NIGHT - Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of snow. Lows around 20.

MONDAY AND MONDAY NIGHT - Mostly cloudy then becoming partly cloudy. Highs around 30. Lows around 20.

TUESDAY - Partly cloudy. Highs 30 to 35.


Belview, MN Current Weather Conditions

Redwood Falls, Redwood Falls Municipal Airport, MN, United States (KRWF) 44-32-50N 095-04-56W 311M

Jan 25, 2005 - 05:53 PM EST / 2005.01.25 2253 UTC

Wind: from the NW (310 degrees) at 17 MPH (15 KT) gusting to 24 MPH (21 KT):0

Visibility: 10 mile(s):0

Sky conditions: mostly cloudy

Temperature: 37.9 F (3.3 C)

Dew Point: 30.9 F (-0.6 C)

Relative Humidity: 75%

Pressure (altimeter): 29.72 in. Hg (1006 hPa)


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