Issaquena County, MS


Back to: MS, United States.

County Population: 2,274
County Houses: 877
Land area: 413.1 sq. mi.
Water area: 28.3 sq. mi.

Industries providing employment: Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (19.9%), Educational,health and social services (17.2%), Public administration (10.8%).

Races in Issaquena County:

  • Black (62.8%)
  • White Non-Hispanic (36.1%)
  • Two or more races (0.6%)
  • American Indian (0.5%)
(Total can be greater than 100% because Hispanics could be counted in other races) does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site.  Use at your own risk.  This data has been compiled from multiple government and commercial sources.